Tuesday 17 April 2018

Hasta Luego Ricote

Well it seems we've been here forever!
Our farewells are said to the In Laws as they head northwards slowly to return to Blighty and we just settle down to a familiar routine of walking and soaking up the ever increasing sunshine

We'd heard of this....

Oranges and lemons growing on the same tree!

Nearby Blanca is the walking destination one day

First impression here from afar was this guy was going to jump off...

Back up the steep trail we head for home

Whats the last thing you expect to meet on the mountain trail?


The walk back down to Ricote never disappoints

So now we say a fond 'Hasta Luego' to Ricote and head on down to the coast for an Easter RV with Chums Messrs Clarke & Elliot

N.B. Whilst we were here at Ricote we had what can only be described as a BIG idea!
A plan is hatched and the next few weeks are spent pursuing said plan. At the time of posting we are still busy working on it so no announcements till its in the bag!
There is a clue to be had however within this post!

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